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Is Your Home’s Electrical Panel Outdated?

Electrician Tech Mike looking out the window of his Mister Sparky vanAn old electrical panel can put your home and family in danger. However, it’s also possible that your older electrical panel works just fine for what you need. Fortunately, there are a few ways that you can tell whether the panel located in your basement or attic is adequate or needs to be replaced.

Are Your Appliances Hot?

Appliances typically use a lot of electricity, which can put strain on a circuit. If you notice that your appliances are running hot after normal use, it may be that the electrical panel can’t handle their power needs. Of course, if only a single appliance is overheating, it may be the appliance that is the issue. Otherwise, you’re strongly encouraged to call Mister Sparky for assistance in diagnosing and fixing your problem.

Do Appliances Trip the Circuit Breaker?

If appliances consistently trip the circuit breaker, you’ll want to look into getting a new electrical panel. This is a clear sign that it can’t handle the amount of power that a washer, dryer, or other items that you commonly use on a daily basis. Although a tripped circuit breaker might not necessarily be a sign of danger, it does mean that doing your chores will be more taxing than it needs to be. Ultimately, you can save yourself a lot of time and aggravation by simply getting a new panel.

Does Anything Else Regularly Trip the Breaker?

You may have more cause for concern if small items such as turning on the hallway light or plugging in a computer are enough to trip the breaker. At this point, you probably can’t count on your electrical panel to power anything on a consistent basis.

Are the Lights Flickering or Dimming?

Lights that flicker or dim after you turn them on can be a sign of poor wiring or a loose connection. However, it can also signal that your electrical panel is struggling to do enough to keep the lights on without issue.

Does the Electrical Panel Smell Weird?

The electrical panel might get so hot that it melts the plastic wires or even starts to melt itself. Therefore, if you notice a burning smell in the basement, garage, or attic, it might be time to have the panel replaced.

How Old Is Your Current Panel?

Electrical panels can last for several decades if they are properly maintained and you don’t overload them. However, regardless of how well they are cared for, they will not last forever. If it has been two decades or more since the electrical panel in your home was installed, it may be time for a new one. It’s worth noting that newer models are more efficient and may also come in a variety of designs to better match the aesthetic of your home.

Does Your Current Panel Meet Your Needs?

If the panel that is currently in your home meets your needs, there should be no pressure to upgrade. For instance, if all you have is a couple of appliances and a few older lights, your electrical panel may be adequate regardless of how old it is.

Call Mister Sparky for Help Today

If you think that your electrical panel needs to be replaced, don’t hesitate to give us a call today. We will be able to inspect this item to determine if it needs to be upgraded or replaced entirely. We can also talk about available products and other ways that we can complete this home improvement task in a timely and affordable manner.