Electricians Daytona » EV Charging Station Installation in Daytona

EV Charging Station Installation in Daytona

EV Charging Station Installation at Home

Sustainable energy is the future and that’s why so many people are opting for clEV Charging Station Installation in Daytonaeaner transportation solutions, such as electronic vehicles (EVs). Imagine powering up your EV with lightning-fast speed from the comfort of your home, while at the same time reducing your carbon footprint.

If you have an EV or are thinking about getting one, welcome to the green revolution and welcome to our Level 2 EV charging station installation services!

Charging an EV using a standard home socket is possible, but it’s important to note that it can be a slow process. In fact, it may take anywhere from 30 to 40 hours to reach full capacity. That’s why here at Service Minds Mister Sparky in Daytona, we’re dedicated to providing top-notch EV charging stations that are faster and more convenient in comparison to standard outlets.

Types of EV Chargers

There are three different levels of chargers for electric vehicles that range from slow to fast. If you don’t mind waiting all night for your vehicle to charge, a level 1 charger would suit you just fine. For those that desire a faster charging speed, a level 2 charger is the best solution. Here’s a closer look at the three types of EV chargers:

  1. Level 1 Charger: These chargers are usually included when you purchase an EV and provide the slowest charging rate. They typically use a standard household outlet (120 volts AC) and are convenient for overnight charging at home.
  2. Level 2 Charger: Level 2 chargers can usually charge an EV fully in just a few hours, which is much faster than a Level 1 charger. They use a 240-volt AC power source and are commonly found in public charging stations, workplaces, and residential settings. This type of EV charger requires a licensed electrician for installation.
  3. DC Fast Charger (Level 3 Charger): DC fast chargers supply high-voltage current power to the EV, allowing for much faster charging times. These are the types of chargers you typically find in public charging stations, along the interstates, and in some commercial spaces. It only takes DC fast chargers about 30 minutes to charge an EV battery to around 80%, making them ideal for long-distance travel. These too require an electrician to install.

Want An EV Charging Station At Your Daytona Business?

The demand for electric and hybrid vehicles is booming and it’s only getting stronger. Some estimate that EV sales will grow by almost 30% by 2030. However, with that spike in sales, there just aren’t enough Level 3 charging stations around. This is a great opportunity for a business to get on board and have an EV charging station installed. Not only will your business get more traffic, but you’ll also benefit by:

  • Earning more revenue
  • Getting tax breaks and rebates
  • Gaining eco-friendly customers
  • Enhancing customer loyalty
  • Gaining more publicity

Want An EV Charging Station At Your Home?

If you’re an EV owner and you desire to have a level 2 charger installed at your home, look no further than Service Minds Mister Sparky in Daytona. Our licensed electricians can assist you with choosing the right charger for your vehicle model and perform the installation according to local codes and regulations. Enjoy the benefits of charging your EV quickly so you’re never without wheels!